After reading the first part of Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid, I found I was absolutely repulsed by the character of Lucy. She was so negative toward everything, her new surroundings, her job, the snow, and everyone around her. She was especially hostile toward her mother, which I thought was horrible. The most confusing part of this reading to me was in all Lucy's interactions, she wondered how the other person got to be a certain way. For example, when Mariah was excited by the thought of spring and "made to feel alive by some flowers bending in the breeze" (17). Lucy did not ask that question out of admiration for Mariah, but more looking down on her and thinking such a thing was stupid. What bothered me the most in these instances was that the book did not give any insight into her past that made her so bitter.
I feel the character of Lucy is very cynical for no reason. It was her choice to leave her friends, family, and homeland behind and now she should embrace her new life.